Making sense of the world through data

Welcome! I’m a data analyst with a background in education and extensive experience in communicating complex concepts in comprehensible and compelling ways.

Headshot of CJ Gilbert, Data Analyst

Portfolio Highlights

Python, Excel, Tableau

Python, Excel

PostgreSQL, Excel, Tableau

Excel, Tableau

What sparks a data analytics project?

Curiosity. Questions. Dreams.

Sometimes a project starts with a data set and curiosity about what the data can reveal. Other projects start with a question or dream, and we must find a source of data that can help us in our quest.

The process of finding insights in the data typically involves three stages — each with its own challenges and rewards.

  • Data Preparation — First, trustworthy data must be procured and prepared for analysis. Meticulous attention must be paid to cleaning, wrangling, and transforming data at this stage — the ability to derive meaningful outputs depends upon having quality inputs.

  • Data Analysis — This phase begins with basic descriptions and simple charts, but it quickly evolves into a hunt for statistically significant insights and powerful, revelatory visualizations. Persistence and integrity are essential to uncovering results that enlighten but do not overstate (or understate) their significance.

  • Presentation of Results — Insights can only impact the world if they are effectively communicated to relevant audiences. Crafting compelling presentations and intuitive, interactive visualizations makes it easier for audiences to engage with the data and feel empowered to make changes based on that data.

The data analytics process is cyclical and recursive in nature, so it often can be a challenging, twisting road to get to the insights we want. In every case, though, “the core advantage of data is that it tells you something about the world that you didn’t know before.” (Hilary Mason)

Check out my portfolio to see the data analytics process in action.

Or contact me to discuss how we can make this process work to address your questions and further your organization’s dreams.